Sunday, February 28, 2021

Peer tutoring cum demonstration class (online)

 Topic dealt :balancing a chemical equation and separation of mixtures 

Separation of mixtures :Team- Aleena and Mohith 

Balancing Chemical reaction : Team - Bodhi and Annet

Reflection : I am satisfied with both the classes, got good reviews, for balancing chemical equations I presented Phet simulations and for separation of mixtures for highlight was the set induction 

Saturday, February 27, 2021

A beautiful thought☺


Should the Corporates Invade our Homes...???

A youngster was attending a video conference with his Manager who was upset over the background noises. The Youngster turned around and told his grandmother to keep quiet. 

She walked towards the youngster, to take a look into what he was doing and saw a person on the Monitor and asked, “Who is he?”

The youngster said, “He is my Manager”.

She said, “I want to talk to your Manager”. 

But the youngster denied. By the time the Manager started pinging the youngster his grandmother shouted, “Manager I want to talk to you".

The Manager agreed. The grandmother, with a smile said, “Namaste”, the Manager also greeted her.

She said, “You look upset”. 

The Manager said, “Yeah, some kind of work tension, a lot of noise around your house and we are not able to complete the meeting in time”.

The Grand Mother asked, “May I help solve your problem?”

The Manager said, “Ok, please speak”.

The Grandmother narrated, “Once there was a Young man, who sat under a tree for taking rest. He was continuously hearing a bird’s sound. He lifted his head and seeing a bird, started chasing it, so that he could peacefully take some rest. The bird came closer to him and said, “You are taking rest under my nest. I will not ask you to leave this place but you should learn to co-exist with us”.

The Grandmother looked at both of them and said, “Your Home is your nest” where you are supposed to take rest and bond with your dear and near ones. I do understand the Covid-19 situation, but you should also understand that our home is not your office. 

*When we come to visit our family members at your office place, we are expected to behave professionally or maintain a certain decorum.*

Similarly, when you are using our home for your office work, you should understand the situation at our home.

There is nothing wrong with working from home, but remember, it is the family members benevolent nature, that is keeping the corporate world functioning today and the economy running.

She looked at the manager and asked, “Am I correct ?”

*The Manager’s mother peeped and said "You are absolutely right”.* 👍😊

Friday, February 26, 2021

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Community living camp Day 1

 A beautiful day with many memories.. Really loved it, the session of Brahmanayakam sir was awesome and the performance of the band was outstanding 


 Achievement test was conducted on Fibres and Plastics for 8 C students. The exam was conducted on google forms ,here is the link -----

After the test ,scores of 20 students were tabulated and statistically analysed.

Then a diagnostic test was conducted for 5 marks, (Fill in the blanks).The scores were analysed and found out that majority of students scored less in Thermoplastics and Thermosetting plastics using animation video.

Then  a report on Achievement and Diagnostic test was written.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Peer tutoring sessions




SELF REFLECTION: Had a good experience, succeeded in making pupil understand the science behind lightning conductor and made them aware of the practical effects of lightning in daily life.



SELF REFLECTION: Since roleplay model was taken online there are many barriers in enacting. I gave the script in prior yet some coordination issues arised. Due to this the concept was not clear to majority of students ,to compensate this I thought them once more and recorded a session incorporating animation video. By reteaching and reevaluating I understood that they understood the concept clearly. I think  roleplay model is more effective  in offline classes. Yet I tried my level best to make it effective

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Feedback of my students from Carmel

 I collected feedbacks from students in Carmel. 

Community living camp :Nellika




SELF REFLECTION: The  concept was bit difficult  made people understand the concept by the judicious use of audio visual AIDS. Repeated till the concept was nailed in students mind ,satisfied by the overall performance


Monday, February 22, 2021



SELF REFLECTION:  Proceeded the class as per the lesson plan. The appropriate use of audio visual aids transacted the concept clearly. Got responses from almost every student in chat box of Google meet. Satisfied with my performance.


Friday, February 19, 2021



SELF REFLECTION:  As the topic is very close to daily life, pupils were excited to learn this. The responses I got reflected how much they understood the concept. Could have shown soft drinks s of different colours for better retainment.



SELF REFLECTION : The class was very interactive and interesting. I asked questions in between and asked pupils to comment on the chat box of Google meet, the students responded very well and was satisfied with the class.